The Town Pound ~ Unity New Hampshire
The Town Pound
UHS is working with the Sullivan County, Unity School's 8th graders, and the State to rehabilitate the Town Pound.
(The first pound was voted for in 1787 and was built of logs on the common.)
In February 1796 it was decided at the town meeting to replace the wooden pound with a more permanent fixture. On April 25, 1796 the town of Unity voted: to build a pound on the Range way near Richard Moody's on the ledge.
Voted it shall be 35 feet square
Voted to build it with stone 6 feet high, 4 feet thick at the bottom and 18 inches at the top, to be built with a true taper (diminishing thickness) from the bottom to the top with both sides alike.
Voted it shall have 1 foot square timber on the top with a decent gate of hard wood, well hung. Said pound, set up with public vendue and struck off to Daniel Batchelder at 7 pound 10 shilling to be completed by the first of July next.
Pound Keepers were active until 1887. A name to remember might be the Pound keeper in 1874, Abelalonymus Huntoon.
On June 29th, 2024, a sign marking the location of the Town Pound was presented to the president of the Unity Historical Society Judi Tatem, by the Sullivan County director of Natural Resources Lionel Chute.
If you have not seen the Pound, it is on Carroll Brook Road past the Center Cemetery,
just around the bend on the left.